Wednesday, January 14, 2009


i am very very very bored right really really very bored right now.having a debate regarding pornography in comiss class right group's motion's over(violence) now its the other half other class's turn.

the day started out pretty badly but its ok cos i didnt see anyone i know this morning.and it kinda got pretty better after the crappy chat with B.and im dressed up like so...sopan,really really...sopan.and that's only because i have to attend to something later.

im suddenly craving for popeye's chicken and biscuits now.i don't care how unhealthy those stuff are.i just need some finger-lickin fatty fatty indulgence.

and i miss work.just a month more before school's over yey!and i can work my ass off.that is if i can get the shifts i want. bored.what,you think i have all the time in the world to blog about random stuff?im trying to shut myself out from whatever's my classmates are crapping about.


i can't wait for the day to be over.looking forward to tml.retail therapy much needed.



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