Saturday, November 08, 2008


three in the morning.


i've been keeping mum.i sit back and i listen to everything around me.and i observe.oh,i do observe.and i see many things.things some others fail to recognise.i kept quiet because i don't want to start having hatred.and then i start to evaluate.trying to figure out exactly the reason why.i look at you and i know what you're going through.

you never listen you'll never listen.perhaps thats why things happen.but,my dear.if you're really happy with what you have now,then good for you.i only have one question to ask of you.

why did you do it?

but of course,that would lead to a great many questions and i don't know if i want to hear that.haha.funny because its like hearing another repeat of a season.


twenty minutes past three.


what about me?oh,im living life as it expectations for now.maybe because i'm scared.people tell me i can do this and that.but i don't think i can.i don't know why.i don't think i can achieve anything anymore.haha.funny because my primary school teacher told me i'm good because i have

someone told me she's never met someone more busy than me.i have to divide time for my family,friends,boyfriend,school and work.but hey,ever since i was small all i ever wanted to do in life was to make people happy.because when they are happy,i cliche.

oh.mummy's fine.daddy too.and grandmama as well.there are some things i haven't said to a single soul.some things that are better kept inside.thats who i am.i like to keep things inside.thats why he said im a tough cookie.haha.


half past three.


i'm looking forward to tomorrow.and then i think again.seriously,how long more can we last?she told me to tell him how unfair it is that time hasn't been given to me.but i told her,no.i don't want to be selfish.its what he wants so i don't want to hold him back.just because of me.


the thoughts of a young adult at three in the morning.


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