Tuesday, October 21, 2008


this is crazy.one by one my girlfriends are going private.and the irony is,you privatise your online journal but there are still your friends who can read them!so,what exactly is the definition of private then?be careful,my dear because even if your friends need some kind of permission to access your site, other people can still read that private blog someway or another.

just my personal opinion.not meant to hurt anyone or ditch anyone.to each his own eyy.honestly,i am glad that my girlfriends gave me access to their private blogs because this shows that they trust me.and having that trust is good.its good.

its already 1p.m.thats it.im pon-ing feature writing lect already.might be going for radio later.love mario.because he's super mario.

oh,i have a private online journal too.one where no one else has ever read because it contains the deepest secrets ever.

i think i sound too serious now.come,i show you my most bimbotic picture to date.just to lighten the atmosphere of this blog.

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