Wednesday, October 15, 2008


third day of school.its eight in the morning and i can tell you the whole class is stoning.i reached school at bout 6.40 by car and slept at the clubbie for another hour.hmm.this ahsan uddyn shan guy is not starting.oh,oh.he just stood up.he looks real me and aqilah know why.


last night i showed mummy our video.and you know what she said?

"korang nie tk btol ah.ey,dah giler ah korang."

and all the while she was laughing throughout the whole vid.

what video you may ask?this video,the nyahs beraya vid.

so.if you guys think we are a silly,crazy bunch of nothing-to-do young ladies,well that's who we are.and we're proud of it.

oh, currently writing in lj as,not private entries but public ones.wanna view?ask me personally for the url.hehe.

just so you know,journal is 90% locked.


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