Saturday, December 20, 2008


i seriously am beginning to think i have insomnia.its 3a.m. btw.but i decide to think not again because i don't feel sleepy at all in the day.i told mummy this and she told me if you have insomnia then you must be depressed.ok,i am really starting to think its not insomnia again.omg.i think i need to start taking sleeping pills but then i'll become resistant to it after a long while.oh,god.why am i not feeling sleepy yet?im not even yawning!omg.

im going away next week.just somewhere away from here.away from all responsibilities.away from all commitments.away from everything that needs my attention.i'll come back.with a fresh mind.and a fresh start to the new year.


*hops away and sings*
a milli a milli a milli a milli

si jelita,siapakah dirimu?


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