Sunday, December 14, 2008

.last night.

its been a long while.yet,i can't run away.the feeling's still there.

i have been sleeping very late everytime the weekends kick in.i'm starting to think its insomnia but i think again not because i don't feel too lethargic or sleepy during the day maybe i do just that i keep telling myself it ain't that bad.

i look very ugly now.dark circles, acne&pimples,damaged hair and a very fucked up face.i just finished battling with the ass-shit-ments which lasted for weeks.i'm still holding on.still surviving despite what i've been put through.if i don't succeed after this,i am seriously considering a career in the teaching line.and then again,these are only thoughts at one in the morning.

and speaking of which reminds me of my one a.m. syndrome friend.everytime we're chatting after one, he'll become very,very,very blur.some say he likes to talk crap.wonder why i enjoy chatting with him for hours at end.maybe because i like to talk crappy too.

bf's going to Pahang and my favourite girl's off to Hongkong.i want to work a lot the coming week.yes,thats my idea of de-stressing during term break.i want to shop for cheap,cheap clothes and accessories.i want to get us matching bags,t-shirts and many other things a female and a male can wear together.i love my bestfriend.because she just makes my life more the worth living for.

i am planning to start saving for the future.i really aim to set time aside to go jogging every morning.these are not resolutions they are just things i want to do once January kicks in.i long gave up on resolutions after unsuccessfully trying to start exercising two years ago.

more than ever,i want to be a better person.i want to slow down and look at the smaller details to life.

because i like you so much better when you're naked.


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