Wednesday, December 31, 2008



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a year full of ups and downs,high and low drama,emotional breakdowns and outbursts,backstabbing,gossiping,loving and hating and living life as it is.
as cliche as it sounds,well it is true.2008 is by far the most exciting ride of my life and i've never regretted any single one of it.i've grown a lot,i've learnt a lot about life especially and people too.too much i can't even remember how january started twelve months ago.i was given many opportunities.i was lonely i was depressed i was scared i was angry i was everything.but i was happy i was contented i was in love i was exhilarated i was everything else as well.

because i've learnt that life ain't that just have to look at the brighter,better side in life amidst the catastrophe of the ugly evil cruel life.

i made a lot of mistakes too.and i do admit i repeated them over again.but i did try to change for the better.the things that happened for the better or worse,the people that left for the better of worse and everything that ended up for the better or worse i know and i've come to accept that it's all part and parcel of life.i wasnt a good daughter/bestfriend/friend/girlfriend/sister/person.i've done many more sinful things that any of you can imagine bt i know this is just the start.i still love myself though.even after having had lowest points in life.



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i wish i could fly away and be free from all of life's commitments and responsibilities.but,there would be no point in living promises no resolutions because i know they are useless anyway.i'm not saying i'm not looking forward to this year.i'm just living life day to day.time really is moving very fast.2008 i will keep it deep inside my heart,2009 i will create more because i am not getting any younger.i am excited though to see more drama,to experience wilder adventures maybe go on a holiday with my friends or maybe lose my virginity or maybe even start smoking haha ok just kidding.but there's only one thing i hope of 2009.i hope that it'll be less emotional and there'll be less heartpain.because i've gone through too much.

still,that's life.
you just have to learn to fuck it.


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