Monday, January 21, 2008

.i try.

today im gonna write about my date with bf last sat.

oh,before's open house 08' was great yaw!and adiratna's performance was awesome o'! even with the sudden bad flu i had,i still had so much fun.and thanks naq fer being my kakak nurse. coming up is arts fest.i cun wait to perform again lah!

anyway,back to last sat's wanted to get some Lonsdale we head out to vivo.went into the shop twice.asked for assistance twice,even tried on a shirt once.alas,we went out of the shop empty-handed.he got himself a new bagpack at another shop instead.mcmlah next week dah nak start scola gitu.dined in at banquet.then he got his kopibean while i got my starbark.and we saw farah&azmi twice.things didnt go so well towards the end of the night.i saw something i really shouldnt have seen.but its not even angry you least i know how much i mean to you.

work last night was exceptionally great.because,because the partners on shift rock my socks off and,and there weren't many customers at all.none of the usual sunday working three days this week.baik ah.when i get my pay,i wanna go get lots of retail therapy.and buy him lots of stuff.

journal 2 deadline is being extended to tml.i haven't even started on it not lucky.just blessed i guess.haha.ritee..things don't always go my way you know.

im still in a daze.even after waking up from a short nap an hr ago.i think i'll start on my journal after this.i think.


and i didn't pon socpsych lect ok!gawd,i still think this lect is a waste of time.-_-""

i lied.
everything was all a lie


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