Saturday, February 25, 2006

ola3~gd aftanun ppl.2dae im nt goin out.hhe.i wana sit at home n finish up ma hwk.c hw gd mama is..?kewl leg's cramp over np i dun bother to go out.

last nite he told me dat he dreamt dat i was havin a affair dat he didnt noe much so dat he woke up in cold sweat.gosh.told me he's afraid to lose me.haish.n gues wat?last nite.i dreamt dat i saw hm walkin to scool wit his wth?another weird thang was i oso saw her puttin on a helmet to naik motor wit,wel.dreams r juz dreams rite.i mean dey nvr cum true rite?coz i dun want them to.i juz...wel..i juz..i juz lurve hm too much to wana let hm go.damn.i noe love doesnt exist in our age.i jzu duno wats tis called.i guess its juz feelins.haha.wth am i tokin bout?oh,wel.mayb dere's a msg bhind it.i duno.ouh,heck.dreams r juz dreams.rite,dey r juz outzz.


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