Tuesday, February 14, 2006

ola~its valentine's day 2dae.happy v-day to all couples outta dere.n oso to da singles.its da same to me as it always has been.no celebration.no presents.no nutin.kewl~juz a typical borrin scool day.yeap2.

hmm.wat happened 2dae.in da morn.went to scool wit hm.lucky ma bro had gone firz.im stil nt rili happy wit last nite.passed hm ma book.fer hm to carry it til recess time.uhuh.at scool.wasnt in da mood to study.seriously.its like every lesson has its own important topics to focus on.ma brain juz cun take it.damn.i was juz waitin fer da last lesson to finish.n yah.2dae received a lot of chocolates.by ma frens.n i onli ate them da whole day.tsk2.

reached home at almost 4.b4 goin out again.i went to da lib n imm.alone.uhuh.returned books n borrowed them.thought sum of ma frens were dere studyin.bt,nah.so then.i head to imm.coz i wana buy tis tote bag at mini toons.got it at 7 bucks.kewl enuf.simple yet nice.n dere goes da 10 bucks dat daddy gav me.bt,wel.im sick of bringin da same bag to scool everyday.so,yah.i guess its worth it.blah3.reached home at almost 6.b4 eatin ma late lunch.a proper late lunch rather.haha.no hwk 2dae.gd enuf.i juz a break.ma brain's all cramped up.gdbye then ppl.


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