Sunday, February 05, 2006

ok.last nite was a blast!woohoo~!bt.b4 dat.i'll tok bout wat me n hm chatted bout last nite.if i cn remember uh.hehee.

hmm.(refresh2).yah.i was chattin wit usual.cmplained to hm bout dat sumone.of cos he wld juz hear.then comment on it.n i'll juz keep on blabberin bout hw wrong he is.then,he wil giv in n saed,'klah.u menanglah',sumtimes i do feel tired of always winning.oh,wel.wat else?
hmm.dere was nutin to tok,we were tryin to rake up topics to tok bout.told hm sumtin he haven't knew of me.n then,it was his turn to advise me.hehee.oso.he saed he wun b cntactin me much frm nw on.coz he wan me to cncentrate on ma studies.its nt liek o'lvl's in a mth.wth?ok2.i noe.isit gd?i duno.coz witout hm to msg me,i'll b tinkin of hm da whole time.tsk2.sumore2.oh, to noe da real reason he stead wit his ex.hah.i duno if i wana blieve wth.its da past.overall,i knew hm much beta last nite.

ok.nw.fer da real blast.last nite.dat den go n add me into tis cnference at msn wit all guys in firz.i duno hu is da end.left me,omar,den,shazni,mok n haikal!dey were tokin a load of crap.boy's stuff.n me bein da onli gurl.was so kecoh.tsk2.then,skali got another 2 gurls added dey cnt thn da guys.dey sign da end.satu2 sign out bab dah ngantk.we were seein hu's da last person left.n dat is me n haikal!we chatted a lot bout stuff.n bcame couple of da nite!hehheee.he's a furnie shit!damn!knew hm beta bsides his last.we both surrended at 2+ means both of us won.woohoo~!khekekee.

hmm.last wit ali too.knew da real reason y he's liek dat.n i knew it's about dat all along.nvm ali.i noe hw u felt.coz i've experienced it day.ur turn wil cum.everythang happens fer a reason.fer nw.try to cheer up n smile.dun make da ppl around u worry bout ya.studies cum firz k.

wel.i guess dats all bout it.i noe.its alot of i rili enjoyed last nite.guy frens r always cool n fun to b wit.hehehee.til here then.adios babez!!


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