Monday, January 23, 2006

i was lukin at da necklace he bought fer me.when i realised.all tis time.i rarely.or nvr.gav hm wat he wanted.or wat he wished fer.sumtimes.i juz feel soo bad bout ego juz wun lemme giv in to i soo bad?to do a simple ting fer hm.then seein his disappointed face or hearin his upset voice.i'll begin to feel juz cun seem to do anitin bout it.or rather.i dun wana do anitin bout it.haish.

niwaez.i was attracted to tis song.its missing you by first lady.a very sad song bout sumone hu juz lost da person she lurves da most.heard it in his mp3 when we were *ehem2*in da mrt.soo touching.i juz cun stop listenin to it.
da lyrics r far too wun bother to put it up.hmm.wat wld u do if one day da one person u lurve a lot left you move on in his next life.leavin u to reminisce over da memories.regrettin over past mistakes.when u thought,if onli u cld giv hm all da lurve he needs.cherish all da times spent 2gether.its all in fate's hands.we cn nvr know wat cn happen in da future.


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