Tuesday, January 17, 2006

woohoo.reached home at 6 2dae.quite late.wat did i do at scool?wel.at firz wanted to go home early.bt then.bobl ngan khai rancak sngt.smpai hujan pun trn.so.nid to wait til da hujan reda lor.at da same time.wait fer bestie as wel.bt she ended up goin hm wit her guy.hish.

hmm.had a sorta heart to heart tok wit dayak.i mean.we tok bout me n hm.bout her.bout us.haha.it was great.she wanted to catch up wit me u c.so.yah.she's da 4th person to noe wat rili happened btween me n hm.hmm.its weird.bt when sumone noes bout hm.dey wil ask.wat made me attracted to hm.oh,wel.i gues dey'll nvr understand.bt.hopefuli he wun change back to his old ways.hish.

so.got to noe dat his ex.dat goddamn bitch.called hm up.i hav no idea wat she wanted.luckily.ma guy put down da phone as soon as he heard her voice.sumtin which i find it difficult to blieve at firz.damn.bt he told me dat he didnt want anitin to do wit her nimore.wel.i gues i hav to blieve dat.hopefulli he doesnt lie to me.btw.he doesnt blieve in valentine's day.woohoo.haha.ok2.its nt dat i dun liek it as wel.bt,i duno.its like,is it a must fer us to celebrate it?wun a simple gesture wil do?excuse me if im nt bein romantic here.bt.mayb i'll giv hm sumtin.sumtin dat he has asked me all tis time we knew each other.its nt such a big thang.it may b common to hm.bt.i hope he wld apreciate it.coz its da firz time im givin it to hm.oh,wel.i tink bestie wil noe wat it is.bt.i'll hav to c firz.remember,i saed mayb.it may nt happen.hmm.gdbye then.


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