Tuesday, January 10, 2006

2dae is hari raye kambing.yey-ness.did nutin much.eat,watch tv.blah-ness.bt surprisinly.i got duit raye.woohoo.got 5 bucks frm grandmama n 4 bucks frm auntie.in which adds up to enuf money fer me to buy clothes.da ting is.i duno if i wana buy pants or shirt.hmm.i'll tink bout dat ltr.

so.i slept real late last nite,bout almost 2.coz.i was havin a long tok,or rather i was smsin a lot wit hm.we were tokin bout tings.u noe.ma bro's fren told hm dat he saw me n ma guy in da mrt at city hall on sat.da ting is.ma family tinks im gone to da lib.n ma bro's like threatenin to tel ma mum if i dun do hwk fer hm.urgh.luckily.i managed to cnvince hm nt to.bt.he cn lps ckp anitime.

i noe.its nt dat bad.i juz hav to face da music.bt.i dun wana it to bcum werse.u noe.until so much so dat i cun see hm again.or stuff like dat.he wana do sumtin bout it.sumtin dat cn hopefuli benefit us.or nt.bt im afraid dat afta wat he did.im gona lose hm.he wasnt exactly a gd guy.he has his dark past.i dun wana tis relationship to end.on da other hand.i dun wana b lyin to ma parents nimore than i cld.i hate it.i dun wana b coverin up.dey wil noe sooner or ltr.n i dun wana hav ani cnflict wit them.im thru wit dat.haiz.wel.wataver dat happens.i gues 'll hav to accept wataver decision dats been made.haish.


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