Sunday, January 22, 2006

aargghh!!i dun wana go scool 2ml!!y?coz i haven't even done a single hwk yet!!n i hav lotsa of it!!damn!mummy,i wana be sick 2ml.cn2?haish.i tel u.i'll b leavin ma brain bhind at home when i cum scool 2ml.gosh.crap. n bestie-bestie went to bestie's house fer her kenduri.thought its kenduri cukur didnt see ani of it mah.hmm.we were nt guests if u guys r wonderin.we were actoali invited coz we were asked to bcum kendarat! had fun.rili.da three of us.absolute kecoh-ness.hahax.enjoyed every moment of it.uhuh.eqa wash plates,me wiped them clean,farah collect da dirty da same was kinda tiring uh.oh,wel. da middle of it all.he called to ask fer help.ingtkn ape.rupenye suro binakn ayat frm da given werd.sumore it's his adek's werk.mentang2.abeh.tanye bknnye bout 4 werds like dat.tsk2.oh,wel.nvm.

so.stayed at farah's house til 7+.b4 we left.her sis gav us duit upah.hehee.n her mum.ehem.gav us a big plastic of berkat.haha.malu ehk.farah2.ok.i nid to stop hwk's nt done yet!aiyoh!guess i'll b sleepin real late 2nite.haish.chiow-ness.


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