Saturday, January 28, 2006

im nt supposed to eat chocs.or oily i did.n as a result of headache got werse.tsk2.advices always fall on deaf ears.or so i tink it soon as i reached home.ate ma medicine.u noe,nobody in ma family knew i went to da had to take them quietly so as nt to let them noe.tsk2.

spent da whole morn n aftanun sittin on ma table top readin ma book n listenin to da radio.wat a nice n quiet way to spend a sunny sat.hahax.i noe.u guys may b tinkin.hw borin cn tis gurl b?bt, tired of goin out every weekend.nid to relax at home sumtimes.its kinda kewl aite.

bt its onli fer a while.had to get ready to go to aunty's house.n i was cnfused as to wat i shld wear.firz.i wore ma green kebaya.afta a while.i realised i ha dno shoes to fit wit ma changed to ma baju kurung.haish.reached dere.ppl were oreadi goin into cars.many were carryin da brg hantaran.mummy forced me to follow along.ok lor.blah-ness.da tunang ceremony began.hmm.firz time ehk.nice i was gettin ma headache i had to get out of da stuffy place as soon as fer da cuci mate part.hehee.cukuplah tu.adelah jgak ma abg sdarenye member yg sachok2 gitu.heex.gatal irma.ish3.

hmm.i wana watch memoirs of geisha duno hu to watch wit.wit ma guy?i dun tink so.mayb wit ma bro.hmm.we'll see.btw.i fergot to mention yest dat i followed ma gurls to visit momok at her house.seh kinda ok.onli dat she cun speak dat wel.yea.n isnani was liek soo cncerned over her.n, i came afta i went to da doctor mah.i guess she's liek dat.bein cncerned fer others.hmm.momok is soo lucky to hav frens hu care fer outzz..happy cny ppl.


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