Friday, February 10, 2006

finali.da weekend has arrived.or rather.almost arriving.haha.i wil hav 2 days of rest.b4 gettin back to da stress of scool.haish.

juz nw.watched da seniors get their o lvl was was soo intensifying yet borin.haha.borin?wel,coz dat mr yeo was tokin bout tis application tingy..?yea.slept fer 5 mins.u noe.even when im nt da one gettin da results bt i cn juz sorta feel da anxiousness n nervousness dey r havin.gosh.i wonder wat it'll b like when im takin them.fer sure,i dun wana break nt one fer dat.niwaez.da results tis yr wasnt dat gd at sure our batch cn do beta.bein in da firz clas,wel we r like da harapan of our,yea.

ok.npcc 2dae was da most slacking i've ever had.might as wel i dun cum at all.seriously.dun hav ani job coz tis wk is da campcraft week.n im in da drills pat np rm.then,walk2 hoping to b of ani hope to one of da,unfortunately no.o,then.ama put stuff at logistic rm which was bhind da cnteen.tros me,ama n rosie lpk pat sane ehk.bobl2.let time pass by.finali we joined in da p.t session.n jogged.haha.i miss nt exactly an im beginnin to lurve running or mayb jogging.coz dats da onli way to stay fit.yea2.

2ml.i wana go i duno where.i'll c bout it.min got ask me along fer studying at da lib nxt sun.wel,dats where he went.min wants me to teach her da chemistry dat she juz doesn't get since last,then.its all bdk n.a ehk.tngklah kalo zin gi,mayb i'll go.dat is if im stil able to go out.uhuh.til here then.adios ppl.


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