Sunday, February 19, 2006

it was great yest.yeah,it was.had a great time.had a great day.bcoz.all we did was.walk.n walk.n walk.n walk.n walk.n walk.yeap.until finali we settle down by da riverside at da esplanade.yet again.tsk2.gettin bored of always goin dere.haha.

otw.saw dila wit tis guy.duno uh?gt cun remember.haha.i was havin ma firz day of period stomach's backbone's hurtin.n i was havin ma mood swings.uhuh.santa as usual mcm im gettin used to dat.bought junk food n settled by da riverside to eat dere.tok n all.left dat place at 7.15.reached home at 8.30.dat man was liek angry n all.i was like uat bdh jek.dngr die marah.then mandi n settled to ma hwk.liek i scared liek dat reached home late.liek i scared like dat kena scolded by hm.wataver da shit.i no longer hav respect fer hm.urgh.ok.stop tokin bout dat.

hmm.i hav lotsa hwk to finish.yeap2.i fergot wat i wana write bout.damn.oh,yah.mummy saed im gettin rebellious i?i tink its nt as bad as other ppl rite.isit?oh, grown up.cey2.i almost 16.i noe ma limits.i noe hw to take care of maself.n im a sensible person.i wun resort to doin stupid stuff.yea.u noe.i tried nt to tink bout it.i nvr wana tink bout sumtimes i juz cun help tinkin bout wat cn happen in da future.when all of us wil b separated.oh,wel.its nt important nw.let da future hold its gone.buhbye.


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