Tuesday, February 21, 2006

ok.2dae is an exceptionally more than ok day.heex.a small part of it's coz mr wee's nt in scool.though i had painstakingly brought ma oh-so-heavy physics tb n tys to scool.oh,wel.bt.seriously.its bcoz i had a lot of laughing 2dae.adilah was giving me sum yellow-minded jokes she got frm her gay frens.elakeyaa's tokin always made ma wana laugh.hw furnie.n of cos.ah bao always cute n blur2.hahax.soo cheerful 2dae.wat a great tues.hehex.

so.afta recess got our health check.hw kewl.coz we missed haf an hr of bio.at least sumtin.da nurse did nt check ma backbone since im goin fer a every six mths checkup tingy.yup2.chem test.it was a bit difficult uh.bt as usual.uat relek jek.at least i noe sum of it.surpirisinly.i did nt leave any qns out.tried to do all of them.even those i didnt noe.sbrg kentot jek.

afta scool.lpk n all.blah3.then khai ajak tngk bola.our scool lwn dunearn.it was da lower sec.n wel.i shld say dey weren't as gd as wat i thought.or mayb i expected more.or isit da referee kelong?i duno.bt i liek tis lower sec soccer boy.his name is gary.kinda cute.yea.i tink he's da attacker or sumtin.oh,wel.been long since i played soccer.i guess im nt rili gd at it nimore.uhuh.

hav no hwk to b passed up 2ml.hw kewl.great way to rest.or mayb i wana do ma physics tys.or mayb i shld revise fer ma maths test on thur.hahaax.ok.im gettin more n more rajin nwadays to do ma skewl wewrk.kheke.bt dast gd rite.yah.it is.till here.adios.


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