Friday, October 28, 2005

i remembered sumtin..he's never broken up wit his gurl..juz on a break..dere is a difference k..i dun bother to explain.. dat xplains y dila has been seein hm wit his ex,no,gurl goin to scool i jealous?no,nt at i cryin over it like i always do?no,im so not cryin over it..wat fer?its such a waste of juz,more than totali disappointed..when i thought i cld finali trust guys again,dere he goes nt bein truthful wit me..y muz he do tis to me when he knew i've had enuf of guys like dat?y muz he saed he wana win me back when he's seein his gurl again?y?y tel me all his bulshit feelins to me?and y is he nt bein truthful wit me at all?muz he always hide tings frm me n lemme find tings out maself?i dun even noe wat to trust nw..i duno even noe if i shld blieve all his werds soo totali grateful i haven't told hm of ma feelins yet..wat does he take me fer?sumone whom he cn cum to whenever he's bored n lonely??n when he's not lonely animore,he wil stil cum to onli bcoz he pity me..dats total bulshit..wat,all da tings dat he cnfesses to me,r all dat true?tel me,wat shld i blieve nw?mayb sum ppl wil go out cnfrontin da even if i cnfront hm,cn i trust watever bulshit he tel me?mayb its true,he's a bad influence..u noe wat?i've realised long ago dat mayb we'r juz nt meant to b 2gther..y?coz both of us r totali different..he's a bad guy..goin around doin bad tings,breakin da rules..n juz a stupid,naive decent gurl..both of us r such stuborn ppl..i dun even noe hu wil change hu when we r ever 2gether..on second thought..mayb wat he's feelin fer me n wat he told me r all actoali true..mayb he has a reason to behave like tis..i noe i dun hav evidence to prove dat he's been lyin to me..da onli proof i hav is dat dila saw them 2gether a few times..unless i saw them 2gether a few times..sumtimes i feel like a fool..acknowledgin his presence n believen his werds..wait a min..i didnt rili blieve soo lucky i didnt fall into his dere's one mistake i made..i fell fer hm..i had feelins fer hm..i shldnt hav..i stil dun understand y i muz get to noe a guy like hm..y muz i fall fer god tryin to test me?if it is,he's done it rili well..watever it is,i guess i'll hav to get rid of ma feelins fer hm n treat hm like a normal fren..i noe its i wil try to..n to do dat,i wil hav to keep ma mind bz wit things..haish..til here then..bye ppl...


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