Saturday, June 27, 2009

.all i ever wanted.

good morning.its a saturday and im here in school waiting for other groupmates to reach to discuss PR. i think i have no life.because when im out its usually to school meetings, work or dikir trainings.mundane much.

i think my dad's talking to me again.since i stayed home the whole day yesterday.and i think some things are getting better when i thought its turning for the worse.and i am actually pretty fine with it.

the weather's getting dark.oh,such a nice weather to sleep in.i am craving for a great many food.i want to do something to my hair cos it is starting to make me look ugly.

the boyf's gone to ubin for some camp.wonder why it felt like a week when its only for a couple of days.he wants me to go for eyelash extension and eyebrow threading.and i said i'll only do it if he'll pay for it.
he said he will.mampus.i think i pretty much like the way my eyes look now.if i go for these things, i become too pretty how?later all the mats and banglas want my number.tsk.



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