Wednesday, July 01, 2009

.personal space.

i tell you something.i hate and i really hate going home during the peak hours. there will always be inconsiderate selfish people in the,hello i know you want a seat and will grab at any opportunity to get a seat when you see would even wait near the seating area of the bus just so you can sit at the first person who gave up the seat to alight.


like just now.the bus was getting packed so i squeezed in at the standing part of the bus.behind me is a couple.and then suddenly this auntie don't know from where come just squeeze in in front of me and put her hand on the pole and her arm is literally across my you know,like you have someone standing in front of you and they have to stretch across to hold on to the pole, like that ah.


these old aunties don't know such thing as personal space isit?!if bangla sit next to you,you give that disgusted face to want seat,you want a comfortable position to stand on you don't care if that person is squeezed and just inches away from you ah?!


at last,the person beside me alighted and i moved to his position.i rolled my eyes lah.wahlao.and then that auntie and her friend so excited see people who were sitting alighting and then faster faster rush to sit.nabey.kalo dah kiasu tu kiasu jgaklah.kalo dah auntie tu auntie jgaklah.perangai anjing. i need to settle a lot of stuff.and there's no lessons tml yey!


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