Friday, May 02, 2008

.of the little things.

ok,first and foremost....

happy belated bday eqa and rosie!
legal already don't do illegal stuff ah!

walaupun rmbt aku dah rebond,aku ttp ingt bday krg.heehee.

chet.sesungguhnye tkde link.

and you know what?
primary 5 maths is driving me crazy lahh!!

you see, i was very weak in my maths when i was in pri sch.only when i came to sec sch did i begin to be very good in it.but then rite,since im so good with sec sch maths,i shld be able to handle pri 5 maths rite?correct anot?wah,but some of their problem sums so hard and complicated ah that i just feel like teaching the little sister to use 'x' to solve the problems.why?because its so much easier than drawing diagrams!

tsk.if the science topics are like sec sch ones already,why the gov don't want to make the maths the same?haiyer.haiyer.make the lives of people like me difficult only.

anyway,aqilah is here beside me looking at what im,cannot write mushy2 stuff.haiyer.then just now,she tried to type crap-crap in here.tsk.oh,and mel also!
people want privacy also cannot get.


oh.and to you.
you don't have to learn to be romantic
or even want to become the hopeless romantic.
the little things you do for me.
they are romantic enough.
love you,love you.



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