Sunday, March 09, 2008

.in three words.

what more can i say?AGM 2008 was a blast.everyone was in their best ever.i almost won best dress but i didn't.kiki did.thanks to me.haha.almost all the nyahs came down.sadly,farah wasnt in the picture.because she had to rush off to i-duno-what.but its ok.everyone was happy-happy.i looked so pretty and sexy if i was someone else i would fall for me.there are more pictures in my handphone but i can't transfer them to the pc i duno why.but its happy with this for now.

anyway,i think it was last sat that i watched The Leap Years with the girlfriends- fiza,dayah and adee.such a great movie,especially for a local one.fiza cried the unlike of her,at least to me.i did too,but not as bad.dayah said she didnt,i believed her.adee also said she didnt.that,im not gonna believe.i would love to watch it again.this time with a loved one.but i doubt it'll ever happen.but its least i've watched it.

and then,just last friday i went on a shopping spree with kiki and amz.although it wasnt quite a shopping spree because i only got myself haivannas while the other two got their zara bargains.and as much as i can accept the fact that im no longer size s,i still miss the feeling of being a size s.but its loving my curves more and more each day.oh,and tml monday i'll be doing more shopping with the bestfriend.although i duno how we are gonna quite work it out because she has to rush off for dance at 3.30.but its least i get to spend a bit of time with her.

and then after all the walking and rounding of shops,we finally chilled at kiki's father's workplace.(yes,im still on the subject of last friday.sorry,i think i sidetracked a bit too far)oh,and where is it?Marina Mandarin Hotel, Singapore.we had a nice breathtaking view because we were at the 21st level.camwhoring session began.and pictures can be viewed at my multiply thank you.

let's see.i think thats all there is for now.entry long enough for you?i think,while you people start clicking on links to other blogs and lj's...

im gonna do something i've been doing a lot recently.

and that is.......

 you thought i was gonna tell you huh.
but its ok.
if you know,then you know.
if you do not know,then......
you do not know lah.
then go figure lah bodoh.


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