Monday, April 28, 2008


i was there all along.
i kept updated with the news.
i even went in for a visit last saturday.

but as shocking as it still is.
she's gone.

marilah kita sama-sama sedekahkan al-fateha kepada arwah siti zubaidah bte muhd nasir,isteri kepada abang imran.moga allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya dan tempatkan dia di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman.amin.

i was working when i received the news.i was so shocked i asked for a 5-min break and began calling everyone else to ask whether they've heard of the news.when i got through farah,i told her and i cried.i cried.because i can't believe it happened too soon.after that,i composed myself and went back to work,feeling numb all the while.on the way home,i kept thinking of her daughters.i kept thinking of abg im.then i thought of my loved ones.

no matter how unfair i think this whole situation is,i know and i believe that it happened for a reason.tuhan ada rencananya sendiri.for now,i really hope that abg im will be strong enough to go through imminent obstacles.insyallah.

we will be there if you need help.
we will always keep a lookout for putri and dayang.
thats our promise as Adiratna.


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