Tuesday, November 01, 2005

erm...i suddenly fergot wat im supposed to write..whoots..hmm...oh,wel..i juz finished spring cleanin ma room..which is in a total mess...haish..bt luckily,i did not catch flu like i always do when get in cntact wit dust..hish..last nite..i smsed wit tis someone..we tok bout sumtin..n he told me sumting..which had me wel...it had me lost fer werds..haiz...its a secret..sumtin which he asked me to keep fer maself..coz tis ting cn make hm get into trouble..haiz..tulah..sape suro mention it in da firz place..tau pun tkt..im da kind of person hu dun like ppl to ckp setengah jln..n if dey refuse to tel me,i wil keep on pesterin them until dey tel me..dats me,alrite..haiz..it left me more cnfused than ever..shld i tel sumone bout it?hmm..mayb not..i guess i'll juz keep it inside ma heart..lemme juz suffer in silence..oh,wel..afta noein dat sumtin..i duno whether i shld blieve it..i mean,i dun even noe wat to blieve now..i jzu duno wat im supposed to do..haiz....


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