Sunday, November 06, 2005

actoali im soo lazy to update ma,oh wel..sice i hav nutin beta to do,y not?i'll try to squeeze everytin dat happened in da last 4 days in a hopefulli short n simple entry.
wel,firz day was super borin..coz i hav to stay at home n wait fer all ma cuzzies n aunties n uncles to cum b4 we all set off to jln raye..which we finali set off which was at 9 at nite..hish..n all way ma aunties hav been praisin me non stop bout hw fabulous n gorgeous i luk in ma kebaya pendek which is a bit not fittin..mummy n bibi wants so much fer me to wear yea,to make everyone happy i wear,i cn finali mit ma cute n oh-so-hensem a bit exaggeratin,as usual we didnt tok..i wana tok to hm,catch up wit tings like we used,oh wel..hahax..we jln raye ramai2 which is gerek coz i've always lurve last reached home at 2.30 in da morn..
second day is nt much.stayed home most of da time..3rd day we went back kampung..jln raye was real great ya uncle frm kl n ma uncle livin at kampung oso followed us ,a big family,jln,altogether dere were 7 cars travellin around kampung..hahax..then at nite,dere were these lampu colok around ya noe..its like lampu lilin yg pkai minyak tanah to light up..k,i noe ma explanation is bad..fhmlah yg seadenye ye..lurve suasana raye di kampung.dere wil always be da sounds of mercun plu sda lampu colok lining up along da houses..juz lurve it..
so,2dae reached spore then tros visit ma grandmama in pasir ris.then,went on visitin daddy's side of relatives which is aroud dere..daddy sempat let us see our old house dere..mish it a lot..i used to stay dere..a lot of memories..mish livin in pasir,hey i stil hav ma pasir ris frens whom im stil in touch..lurve u guys lots!so,nw i hav nutin beta to do at home..2ml im goin out jln raye.gona wear ma green kebaya batik wit ma high heels..which im sure to get a bad sore frm it..oh,yah..btw,i've been a lot these days..a lots..gosh,im gainin weight oready..god help me..chiowzz!


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