Friday, March 10, 2006

as i was reading ma book n listening to ma mp3 last nite,i suddenly thought bout him.thinkin bout his werds.tinkin bout his promises.tinkin bout his actions.without realisin it.a tear actoali trickled down ma cheek.i duno y.i cun blieve he's so serious bout me.bcoz i blieve dat lurve doesnt exist in our teenaged yrs.infatuation mayb.a crush,true lurve?nah.its too strong a then,wat do u call sumone hu tinks bout da other half all da time?sumone hu cares a damn lot bout da other half?sumone hu wld sacrfice n do almost anitin fer da other half?n sumone hu juz cun afford to lose da one person he cun live witout?is dat wat it is?is tis wat ppl term as love?wat do u ppl tink?up til nw.i stil duno wat im feelin towards one thang i noe is dat whenever im wit hm,i feel protected.i feel da lurve n cncern i nid.i feel like ma life is cmplete.witout hm,i duno hw ma life wld b soo grateful to hav found sumone like hm.if god ever made sumone much beta than hm,then it wld b a miracle.coz,i nvr cn find sumone hu cn giv me more than wat he cn to me.


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