Tuesday, November 15, 2005

1/2 an hour b4 i log off n head to bestie's house.wait.wat am i gona do dere?hmm.i noe.i'll watch a movie.yey.ok.so,tis morn woke up at 6.15.whoots.i had to take ma lil sis to scool.so,yea.then,reached home at 7.30.n i hav been online since then.been hearin songs.singin to them tis whole morn.yea.tis is wat bored ppl like me do.hmm.last nite.oh,wel.nvm bout last nite.sumtimes i rili envy lukin at hapi couples.dey like seem to hav found da right person fer them.then,dey r da singles hu r bz n desperate to find a partner.dey wil go to ani lengths to get a partner.these ppl r bullshit.dere's oso singles hu hav given up on their luv life.n hav been enjoyin their single life.yet,dey stil reminise on da old times dey used to hav wit their special one.n lastly,dere r singles hu's in lurve bt afraid to go into another relationship.these singles hav guys hu rili want to be wit them.n dey r willing to wait hwever long it takes.hmm.oh,i fergot bout those heartbroken ones.i hope god wil arrange them to mit wit a guy hu wil mend their hearts.yea.see,dere r mani kinds of ppl.haish.til here then.chiowzz.


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